Deciding the size of generator you need to use:

The most important decision you need to make while buying a generator, is to determine the right size of generator that can manage all the power generation needed for your machinery. Normally generators are used as the stand in power supply or the primary power supply. But if the power supplied by your generator is less than required then it has no use and can even damage your equipment raising the cost even higher. One thing to keep in mind while buying a generator is that whether the power generated and the power required are up to your estimate or not. This blind guess can be made quite accurate to some extent by considering some factors along with the amount of power required by machinery.

Following are the general types of generators and deciding between them can leave someone startled sometimes:

  • Single Phase Power Generator
  • Three Phase Power Generator
  • kW
  • KVA
  • Welder
  • Standby
  • Motor Starting

To relieve the customers from this mess of calculating each and every factor, we have explained all the main factors that are useful while buying the right generator for you.

  • List all the items meant to be powered by the generator
  • List all the operating voltages of all the items powered by the generator
  • Calculate the power in both kVA and kW

Note that all the information and suggestions concerning the purchase of the required generator are not made by a certified engineer, electrician, or generator salesman. So it is advised to always have a word with a professional while buying the generator before striking the final deal. However, our guide will certainly give you a general idea of what to expect from the market.

Generators by Various Sizes:

With all the progress in science and technology, the generator industry has changed vividly. These days you can buy a generator that is portable or a full power house for a whole building. The home generators normally have an electrical capacity from 5 kiloWatt to 50 kiloWatt. However, to run all the machinery in the industries, industrial generators have an electrical capacity of 50 kilo Watt to 3 Mega Watt. The compact generators are applicable in the following places:

  • Houses &RV’s
  • Mid Size Offices

The large industrial-grade generators are used in the more practical energy consumption scenarios like:

  • Large Business Entities
  • Data Centers &Buildings
  • Production Plants & Industrial Buildings

Generator Sizing by Power:

People normally buy small capacity generators to be used as a standby power source. The reason is that it is not required to run all the time. This logic can be quite dangerous for you as generator sizing according to power required is the most wronged decision that people make. People randomly purchase a generator without estimating the work load that it has to handle. The worst case is that it can totally destroy your new generator. The other major risk is that it can also damage the equipment it is required to power or limit the efficiency of productivity of the equipment that depends on it. A wise saying is that “more is always better than less”, which also fails perfectly while buying the right generator.

Deciding the right engine for generator:

It is advised to always consult with a professional certified electrician while buying the right sized engine or generator. It can save you from damage and also benefit financially. To show the right direction for purchasing the right product, we have the following guide for you:

Know your Requirements:

People usually go to market and buy the cheapest product without considering any factors but to save cash. This is the wrong choice and can be very costly in the long run. It is advised to make a list of requirements to have in your product so it may benefit in the long run. Following is the guide on setting your requirements:

Calculating the starting and running power requirements:

It is advised to list all the starting and running power requirements for all the equipment that is meant to be powered. You need to do calculations early on to avoid the damage. All the required information about starting and running wattage of equipment can be found at the following resources:

  • Identification plates of the equipment
  • Owner’s Manual provided with the Equipment
  • Online webpage of the equipment on Manufacturer’s Website

Conversion of Ampere into Watt:

Usually the amount of electricity needed by the equipment is given in the form of Amperes at the above mentioned sources. The conversion of Ampere consumption of the item into Wattage is simple and can be performed according to the following steps:

  • For Resistive Load:

Wattage = Amperes x Volts

  • For Reactive Load:

Wattage = Load Factor x (Amperes x Volts)

Estimation of Power Requirement:

There are a number of cases when the consumer can’t find the owner’s manual to know the consumption rate of the equipment. For your ease, we have provided a Sample Power Consumption Chart. This chart can help you estimate the wattage rate for some common tools and appliances usually used in the houses and offices. This chart is provided just as an example to let you guess the estimated differences between starting and running wattage and how every device consumes different amount of energy. The sources for consultation are listed as following:

  • The manufacturer of the Equipment
  • Certified Electrician

Factors for Calculation:

The power determination of any generator is normally based on the following factors:

  • Type of generator
  • Number of appliances powered by the generator
  • Schedule for utilizing or running the generator

Parameters for Power Calculation:

  • Single running motor
  • Multiple Motors running at the same time
  • No electric motor

Benefits of buying the right sized generator:

Here are all the benefits of purchasing the right sized generator that you are going to enjoy by deciding to calculate all of your power requirements:

  • Chances of system failure are less or none.
  • Meager chance of system shutdown due to capacity overload
  • Increased life of the power generator.’
  • Optimum performance by the generator
  • Cheaper and easier maintenance
  • Increased life of the equipment
  • Personal safety for the user
  • Meager chance of system damage

Purchasing form the Certified Dealers and Service Providers:

The generator is an asset of the company that maintains a fade-free power in emergency cases and is sometimes also the primary source of electrical energy, just as in cases of disaster crisis. This is the final critical factor for buying the generator that is to be taken seriously. The critical points for choosing the right dealer are listed as following:

  • Full-Service Dealer
  • Commissioned Broker

No matter which way you go, keep in mind the following services that your dealer must provide:

  • Full service with various ports
  • Qualified mechanics and professionals
  • Accurate Testing types of equipment &Trained Technicians



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About Us

Rich Motor Company (RMC) is the most trusted supplier and Quality manufacturing of generators powered by Kubota, john deer, and RMC G-drive engines powered by Cummins offering power and O&M services in the UAE and The Middle East.

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