Frequently Asked Questions

At RMC, many of our customers rely upon us to provide accurate and informative answers to their electrical, engine, and generator related questions. This results in numerous questions every day, some of which are quite common and we answer quite frequently.  To better inform our customers and website visitors alike on some of the most popular topics and issues we encounter, we have decided to begin a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  We plan to expand upon this section over time and add any other commonly asked questions that we encounter.  If you have any additional questions you would like to see showcased here, please email us with your suggestions. We will do our best to answer and incorporate them here.



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About Us

Rich Motor Company (RMC) is the most trusted supplier and Quality manufacturing of generators powered by Kubota, john deer, and RMC G-drive engines powered by Cummins offering power and O&M services in the UAE and The Middle East.

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