BI-FUEL Gen-Set Provides work-sites areas with abundant gas with a solution to reduce their operating cost. Running with 60 to 70% on gas substituting diesel is the best and most efficient way to reduce CAPEX.

RMC introduced the ComAP BI-FUEL kit to its Stock to serve clients with the need to cut down on fuel costs and emissions.

The BI-FUEL is a device that can be installed on Different kinds of engines, new or in current use. This kit's versatility makes it very easy to install and operated using the Inteli-Vision ComAp controller.

The Engine that has the BIFUEL KIT installed can run on CNG, LNG, LPG, AND Flared Gas. Whether through Pipes direct from Wells or Silos or through Virtual pipelines, a  truck that carries containerized Canisters. They are continuously refilled on predefined Schedules to make sure you never run out of Gas.

The advantages and benefits of the Bi-Fuel kit can be summarized as follows:

Every project that requires Bi-FUEL is carefully studied to ensure that the return on investment in the shortest period in time. We conduct a feasibility study on each project so that the client, the investor, and the supplier are mutually satisfied.

Rich motor Company RMC

The engine would continue running on diesel without interruption or downtime, Even if the canisters ran out of gas. Replacing the canister is a plug-and-play, cutting down the workforce and refueling time.

Your Engine will still take sudden load up to 80% without a hassle*, making it more efficient than Gas Engines since engine startup is always with diesel.

Areas like Off Shore Rigs with the costly and challenging supply of diesel can benefit from bi-fuel conversion. It reduces the number of diesel refueling, thus cutting down costs and workforce.

Sensors that come with the KIT installed on the Gen-Set, ensure that each cylinder head is monitored individually, which adds more protection to the engine.

The integration of the monitoring devices can be linked directly to your mobile, making it the most efficient way to monitor your Gen-Set anytime and anywhere. More than 3000 engines have been converted till now, which means the solution is being adopted seriously by investors.

Whether you are starting up a project or need a proper energy solution, generators are the option that we find trustworthy to go for. Bi-fuel generators are the popular mode of electricity supply these days. Their demand is increasing to ensure an unstoppable allocation of energy, plus it decreases the operating cost as well.

What is a Bi-fuel generator?

Bi-fuel means using a combination of diesel and natural gas to run the standby generators. This is fixed into your existing or newest engines. To Install this kit is very easy and to operate. Bi-fuel kits are designed by experts that are capable of reducing fuel costs to the greatest extent.

Engines with the bi-fuel kits can quickly work on LPG, CNG, and LNG, even if they are connected directly from the container trucks or gas wells. This makes sure that your operations have never halted and you remain intact with your schedule. Moreover, if gas delivery is broken to the generator, it will automatically shift to the diesel.
A bi-fuel generator has the exciting factor that it does not mix two of these fuels. Rather operator can shift as per requirements.


What Bi-Fuel Is Useful For?

Hybrid engines are the most common equipment in which we use bi-fuel. Since these hybrid machines are designed and programmed to work on both fuels feasibly, they can also be transferred from one mode of power to another.

Hybrid appliances can be run onto the diesel initially and then switch to the natural gas once they pick an acceptable speed. With the bi-fuel system installed, these hybrid automobiles can shift from one fuel to another when any energy goes absent.

Apart from automobiles, the bi-fuel systems are well known for house heatings, grillings, ovens, and commercial or residential generators. Generators used for commercial or residential purposes come with the installed bi-fuel mechanism. These engines benefit from being fuel-effective compared to the machines that run on a single fuel system.

The most significant use that the bi-fuel system offers you is to undoubtedly cut some costs if you instate them in some big project.

Bi-fuel has got some of these very positive reasons to adopt, such as being ecologically friendly, no emission of harmful gases upon combustion like nitrogen, sulfur or carbon, they are easy to be installed on the remote sites such as at some resort, on rental projects, or on-going manufacturing sites.


Importance of Bi-Fuel Generator

In recent years, the bi-fuel generator has picked great importance due to its many features. The manufacturers consider it the backbone of their projects as it helps them get the work done quickly, save extra money, and there is no power to disrupt during the entire procedure.

Oil rigs are the sites where there is a lot of mechanical and electrical work is underway. No one can afford a power breakage and interruption of energy while drilling the oil out of the sea or land. Thus, bi-fuel seems like a smart idea that every company is using around. An engine that uses gas more than diesel is running a kind of free fuel. Gas is burned that creates electricity, and saves the cost that could incur if you would be using the diesel instead. The diesel is usually not refined on these oil rigs, resulting in the engine's erosion and system. Thus, gas usage seems like a fair idea if you want to use pure and corrosion-free fuel not to affect your generators' life or condition and protect them for the most extended period. All you need is to pop in diesel for the engine's quick running, and then it turns into a gas quickly. For such smooth operations, you need quality bi-fuel generators like the ones from Rick Motor.

Bi systems are also widely used in power generation units. Many distant towns or cities use these systems to establish their power supply projects. These systems help them in generating power on both of the fuels. In an emergency, these systems are perfect as they shift from one gasoline to another quickly. We also know that they have the automatic setup of switching without any physical help.

Bi-fuel engines are useful on many accounts these days as the engineering world is progressing. More than their efficiency, it is their economic approach that attracts the consumers.

Advantages of Bi-fuel Generator

Bi-fuel generators come up with many advantages, but everyone's main characteristic is their ability to be cost-effective. Since it substitutes diesel with gas, the cost of running on diesel is reduced. There will be no additional need for variations with the diesel igniting the engine and keeping it lubricated.

The runtime of the generator extends when it is working on the gas a compared to the diesel, thus, diminishing the fuel cost and requirement of calling extra tanks. On the sites where there is a necessity of a generator round the clock, the fuel consumption is higher; therefore, this bi-fuel is the best option.

Return on investment is the factor that most of the users hardly think about in the power generation. Having the bi-fuel system means that you will see a more significant cost-cutting in many areas, such as the maintenance charges will be lessened. This is mainly because usage of cleaner fuel will enable the engine to perform correctly.

The advantage of bi-fuel generators is that they do not shut off if gas supply cuts. Instead, it smoothly goes on to diesel and picks up the load too. So you do not have to face any halt in operations.

Bi-fuel systems are the best option for the common areas to be hit by natural disasters or natural disasters; these power generators are the most helpful. Gas is often available compared to diesel fuel, so it is easier to enable the power supply during such devastating situations.

The backup power supply is critical on the production sites or plants, where power loss means revenue is lost. For some companies, this could be a serious issue as they have legal implications to complete the project. On the other hand, some companies run their entire operations on these generators as they cost less than running them on an electricity meter. Bi-fuel generators are also helpful in conducting non-stop operations because there is no issue of power obstruction.

Bi-fuel systems are the best natural resolution for power production. Diesel engines are losing popularity as they are expensive, and diesel stocks are essential to be maintained. With this bi-fuel technology, these generators start on diesel and shift onto the gas, which keeps everything going smoothly. Likewise, if the gas is unavailable, it will take no time to work on diesel means you are in a win-win situation on both ends. We know that most countries are now reserving their oil stocks and preferring to use natural gas.

Moving over natural gas usage means securing the atmosphere, which is why companies who want to portray their right image now transfer to the alternative. You will find no hazardous gases out from these engines as they are on gas compared to diesel. Clean burning is what that we get from these systems. Moreover, with the lesser fuel on-site, there are fewer chances of coming across any unfortunate incident.

Importance of bi-fuel systems in specific industries

Some businesses also have this requirement to keep the bi-fuel systems. Such as hospitals, pharmaceuticals, data centers, educational institutes, communication areas, etc. Having a standby power supply is critical because they cannot disrupt the processes and lose clients. For instance, in the media industry, the transmissions have to go on without any interruption. You have viewers to be updated, and advertisements run. If the broadcast is interjected, this can impact the channel’srating and investor’s money.
Likewise, in the pharmaceutical companies, power loss means that you may lose your sensitive medicines or drugs as there is a specific temperature to be maintained for them—web development and designing service. Therefore, when you have a power backup, there are minimum chances of facing any loss in medicines being expired.

Food warehouses that need power streaming 24/7 must have these bi-fuel generators to avoid any voltage issue. Food items are perishable, and if they are not kept in cold storage, they may rot within minutes. Seafood, frozen items, beverages, meat, etc., is the most sensitive product to handle if there is no electricity. With the bi-fuel generators, you can have non stop power deliverance, which means no harm to the capital.

Hospitals and healthcare centers are the most vulnerable industry that cannot afford power shortages. There are machinery running on electricity and cannot be disrupted as human lives are dependant on them. With bi-fuel generators, the uninterrupted supply is upheld and save valuable lives. This is why the hospitals must have a power substitute measure on their end.

Also, in an industry like software or education, you cannot afford the power shortage as you have credit hours and deadlines to meet. For such institutes, these generators are the ideal ones to have. Furthermore, industry like education has minimal resources, and diesel cost could be significantly extra. In that case, having a bi-fuel generator is the best choice that is effective plus economical.


Why choose Richmotor for a Bi-fuel generator?

Dealing with mechanical and electrical machinery requires some level of knowledge. You cannot trust everyone around you to guide you to the best, but if you stop at Rich Motor, you choose the right ones.

There are some of the fundamental reasons you should choose Rich Motor for your bi-fuel generator. Such as:

Rich Motor is one of the most reliable and well-known dealers in the bi-fuel generator industry. From manufacturing to the assembling and the maintenance, Rich Motor is equipped with all the experts who can perform these tasks on your projects.

Rich Motor has been delivering bi-fuel generators to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Burundi, and many others. They also offer maintenance services with their carefree deal or by extending your warranty period. This gives clients the liberty to get the maintenance done from the right source and within budget. This way, clients do not have to leave their generators to the third party and bear long bills.

Rich Motor comes up with bi-fuel solutions like small speed engines, fully integrated machines, single-speed engines, and variable speed engines installed per the client’s working requirements. Smart technology algorithms and other solutions are the main reason that why the market is picking Rich Motor for bi-fuel generators.

Rich Motor has this reputation for selling the genuine parts of generators, which means you get a 100% excellent product. You can get the bi-fuel generator or get information related to it by calling them, email, or visit them in their shops. Rich Motor's credibility in the market is quite upbeat as they deal with their products instead of outsourcing them. It means having their labor, engineers, and equipment to get the work done.

Rich Motor offers bi-fuel generators and services at very feasible prices that none of the other generator suppliers are proposing in the UAE. These rates are reasonable in your pocket, and you are getting top-notch quality in return.



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Rich Motor Company (RMC) is the most trusted supplier and Quality manufacturing of generators powered by Kubota, john deer, and RMC G-drive engines powered by Cummins offering power and O&M services in the UAE and The Middle East.

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